• Celebrating Our 96th Anniversary!

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Over 94 Years

Schlosser Real Estate began in 1929 when my grandparents, Charles and Mildred Schlosser, purchased the southwest corner property on President and Grand Central Avenue in Lavallette. A two-story home, that also housed Whitelock Realty, stood on the property. While my grandfather opened a service station in town, my grandmother replaced the old Whitelock Realty sign with a Schlosser shingle and set out to utilize her business college degree and warm and gregarious personality.

My grandmother was a pioneer of sorts in both the Shore community and the real estate industry. During the depression she and my grandfather set up accounts at the local grocery for those neighbors who were less fortunate. They also had a major hand in forming a first aid squad in Lavallette. Grandma also formed and headed an organization of local real estate agents, an early precursor to the Board of Realtors. She managed to do all this while raising three boys and running a business.

My grandmother did not simply maintain an existing business. She succeeded in growing a vital and competitive company that changed with the times before she handed over the reigns to my parents, Lois and Charles Schlosser, in 1968. Under my parents leadership the office expanded as well as the business. Sales and rental revenue quadrupled. Customers and clients seemed to truly appreciate the friendly and personalized service my parents worked hard to provide. Taking late night calls at home from a panicked tenant or searching a crowded beach to deliver a customer a message was not uncommon at Schlosser Real Estate.

In 1990 my parents retired and I took over after working at Schlosser for ten years. Since then, we have marketed hundreds of millions of dollars in local real estate and built one of the largest rental databases at the Shore.

Although technological advances have vastly expanded marketing opportunities, the basic concept behind Schlosser Real Estate has remained the same throughout the years- make the customer happy. We focus on the process of customer satisfaction before, during and after a transaction. After all, that is how Grandma built her business and we think she was onto something.


1929 - Schlosser Office
2024 - Schlosser Office
Andrea Schlosser

Andrea Schlosser, Vice President
